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#136... a gift found in *making something.
Picture speaks for itself :-))
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Blog Archive
03/11 - 03/18
03/04 - 03/11
02/26 - 03/04
02/19 - 02/26
02/12 - 02/19
#147... a gift found *on paper.
#146... a gift *on paper. Encouragement from a fri...
#145... a gift *on paper. A girl's prayer journal.
#144...Gifts found in Serving and Giving and Learn...
#143... lessons in *servanthood...
#142...a give found *in serving.
#141... in *the shadows
#140... a gift *found in shadows
# 139... a gift *found in shadows
#138... a gift in *finding something... just enough.
#137... a gift in *losing something.
#136... a gift found in *making something.
#135...a way I feel the Love of God: small, nearly...
#134.. a way I *feel the Love of God: HE has bless...
#133... ...ways I *feel the Love of God: HisWord...
#132... a gift *found behind a door: Things hidden...
#131... ...a gift *found behind a door: Christmas ...
#130... ...a gift *found behind a door: An apron a...
#129... a *hard Eucharisteo
#128... Eucharisteo (*hard)
#127... Hard Eucharisteo: Supporting husband whose...
#126... Gift found in *working. Dear Husband finds...
#125... ...Gift found in *working: Full day finish...
#124... Gift found in *working: Beautiful clear da...
#123... Gift of *Laughter. Contagious. My favorite...
02/05 - 02/12
01/29 - 02/05
01/22 - 01/29
01/15 - 01/22
01/08 - 01/15
01/01 - 01/08
One Thousand Gifts...
I am not a professional photographer...
My kids think I am.
It's all relative.
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| The Heart of a Pastor's Wife |
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God's Word on Joy...
Proverbs 15:13
"A happy heart makes the face cheerful, but heartache crushes the spirit."
Proverbs 17:22
"A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones."
John 16:22
"So with you: Now is your time of grief, but I will see you again
and you will rejoice, and no one will take away your joy."